The story in TLA picks up immediately after the first game, when Venus Lighthouse is collapsing and the peninsula breaks off from the mainland. Whereas GS followed Isaac, Garet, Ivan and Mia, TLA follows Felix, Jenna and Sheba, who eventually meet up with the Lemurian Piers. Whereas in GS your objective was to prevent the Lighthouses from being lit, in TLA you learn in order for the world to be saved (or immediately destroyed) the lighthouses MUST be lit.
At the beginning of the game the Mercury and Venus Lighthouses have been lit, and once Felix and Company make it to the Jupiter Lighthouse they meet up with Isaac and Company, where they finally come to terms and agree on lighting the final lighthouse. They end up traveling to their worlds equivilent North Pole, light the lighthouse, save Weyard, and discover that Isaac's dad and Felix and Jenna's parents are still alive.

But Alex (above) had something else in mind, He was atop of Mt. Aleph, hoping to gain teh powers of the Golden Sun upon the lighting of all four lighthouses. But the Wise One (a rock with one eye) caused Alex (who had near limitless power after the Golden Sun rose) to fall with the mountain in the grand earthquake caused by the lighthouses.

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