Magus was thought to be the prime baddie in Chrono Trigger, because he looks evil, he talks evil, he is the epitomy of evil. He is the leader of the Mystics back in 600 AD, and is at war with the kingdom of Guardia.
Magus is so evil that he kills Cyrus right in front of his apprentice Glenn's eyes. If that was not enough, he then uses his Shadow magic to turn Glenn into Frog. Yes, a frog named Frog. At this point Frog learns the only way to hurt Magus is with the Masamune.
So Crono rebuilds the Masamune for Frog using the shards from the broken Masamune and parts of the Ruby Knife (which later was used to shut down the Mammon Machine, or earlier, damn time traveling!) and gives the Masamune to Frog. They rush into Magus' castle (keep in mind they are in the year 600 AD) and challenge him while he is supposedly summoning Lavos. Crono and Frog (and whoever wanted to fight him too) whooped on Magus and created a gate that lead them to the Dark Ages, 12000 BC.
The children of the Queen of Zeal, Schala and Janus, are capable of magical spells, along with all of the other enlightened ones, who live far above the desolate surface of the earth. When Crono and gang try to find out what is going on in this time period, they learn that the Queen has dismissed her three gurus and only listens to one prophet. A very important prophet.
So Crono and gang rescue Melchior, one of the gurus, and the one responsible for rebuilding the Masamune, advises them on how to destroy the Mammon Machine, which drains energy directly from Lavos, hidden deep inside the earth. But in the process, Lavos is prematurely summoned, and attacks.

During this spontanious attack, Lavos unleashes a massive amount of energy and tragically kills our hero of time Crono. The prophet enters, revealing himself as Magus, who then reveals himself as Janus, one of the queen's children. He creates a rift and the gang is transported to the lower world beneath Zeal.
Frog and company now are horrified that Crono has been killed, and meet up with Magus. Frog immediatly wants revenge for the death of Cyrus, but knows that taking Magus' life will not bring back Crono, so Maugs tells them that it is possible to bring Crono back, and thus joins the party.

In fact, it is difficult to claim that Magus was evil at all, because when he was supposedly summoning Lavos, he was trying to push him back into a slumber. He is such an important character to have fighting in your party because of his supremely high attack strength and unrivaled defense. His magic consists of Lightning2, Ice2, Fire2, and an array of Shadow magic. His speed is only second to Crono, and is super badass because he glides when you dash.
So I figure I am only writing this for me, I have not received any comments in the past two months it seems, I hate you all. But I do enjoy writing about Star Wars and Video Games. The Top 2 are next!
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