Kratos introduced himself to Lloyd, Collette and Genis saying he was a mercenary looking for work, and voluntarily joined their group. He stuck around giving advice to Lloyd on swordfighting and enlightening the group to things they did not comprehend until they witnessed firsthand.

Kratos is feared by Botta, and the group wonders why, and how they know each other. But they are all kept in the dark until much, much later. Now I am trying not to spoil anything, but I realize that if I do try to keep every event in true chronological order, it will take a while. Meh.
Tra la la. Shit happens. When the four seals of Sylverant are released, the group learns they can enter the Tower of Salvation, which is the location in which Kratos reveals himself to be a member of Cruxis. Not just a member, but one of the Four Seraphim, the high leaders of Cruxis, but the prime ruler being Yggdrasil. So Kratos fights them as a warning to Lloyd, and holds back, knowing that he can not hurt Lloyd because he is still needed in Yggdrasil's plan.

Lloyd gets super pissed off that Kratos betrayed them, and if that did not make it worse, Kratos still lends a bit of help to them, still being on the opposing force. This ticks off Lloyd even more because he wonders why he would be helping them if he was their enemy.
It comes to my attention that I have left a whole lotta stuff out, but seeing as how this game took me an average of 35 mours to complete, chances are I will not remember everything.

Well to clear one thing up, Botta and Yuan were fearing Kratos because of the whole Cruxis thing. But it turns out that Yuan was acting as a double agent for the Renegades and Cruxis, for he was also a member of the Four Seraphim. But I think I really need to get to the point.

Kratos was not agreeing with Yggdrasil's plan, which was to use Collette, the Chosen, as the new vessel for his deceased sister. Not only that, but Yggdrasil, being a half-elf, faced oppression as a child (a child named Mithos) and wanted to cleanse the world of humans, dwarves, full-blood elves, anything, and create a half-elf utopia. Thus, Kratos goes from bad to good.
Again, you can not claim Kratos was always bad, more like covering his tracks and proving his loyalty to the real enemy. Kratos rejoins Lloyd (if playing the game correctly) and reveals that he is Lloyd's true father. They use this great bond to strike at the core of Derris-Kharlan and kill Yggdrasil and his dream of wiping out existence.

In the end, Kratos bids adeu to his son Lloyd, saying he is needed more in Derris-Kharlan than on Sylverant/Tethe'alla. They have a tearful good-bye, and Kratos leaves. Again, I realize I left out a lot of stuff, but I made my point.
Number 1 is the true Number 1. The most badass of the baddies. The one, the only..........
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