Sunday, September 04, 2005

Please, folks, it's SITH Lightning!!!

Now, allow me to get this off my chest. We have seen two men use lightning to attack their foes, Darth Tyranus (Count Dooku) and Darth Sidious (Emperor Palpatine). Both men are Sith. Sith. Not Jedi. The attack should be known as, from this day forward, "Sith Lightning."

The Jedi are keepers of the peace. They are not to take the offensive.

The Sith are sworn enemies of the Jedi. They use their hate to inflict pain.'

The Jedi tap into the powers of the Force. They have no need for physical strength when the Force is their guide. Just look at Yoda. "The Force" by itself implies the light side of the Force.

The Sith tap into the powers of the Dark Side. They too feel no need to rely on physical strength. Just look at Emperor Palpatine. The Dark Side (of the Force) implies that those who use it attack with anger and aggression.

I hope you know where this is going. There is no reason to call the attack "Force Lightning" when only a Sith is capable of creating lightning from their fingertips. From now on, please refer to the attack as "Sith Lightning." Thank you for your cooperation.

EDIT: For further discussion on whether it is "Force Lightning" or "Sith Lightning," or if you need more evidence to support your answer, check the comments left by Martin and myself.

EDIT: I am obviously not getting through to you people, and it seems like most aren't even bothering checking the comments, so I'll post a good point here.

Obi-Wan uses the "Jedi Mind Trick." Not the "Force Mind Trick," because it is a Jedi ability that they developed. Therefore, since the Sith use the lightning attack that was developed BY THE SITH, it shall be called "Sith Lightning."

Lightning Attack Poll
Which do you think is the correct term?

Force Lightning
Sith Lightning


Tim said...

Martin, you make great points, I give mad props. It is too bad that the fact remains it is "Sith Lightning" for the Sith are the ones who practice that ability. The Jedi choose not to, for your good points, the Force is like a wrench.

Let me repeat, Sith Lightning, not Force Lightning, SITH LIGHTNING.

Tim said...

Ok, allow to make another point, I had to sleep on this...

Obi-Wan uses the "Jedi Mind Trick." Not the "Force Mind Trick," because it is a Jedi ability that they developed.

Therefor, again, I restate, Sith Lightning, NOT FORCE LIGHTNING, because the Sith were the ones to develope the attack.