I am in the biggest "what the fuck" moment I have ever been in my life. I recently got addicted to Killer 7 again, and well, I beat it. But then you unlock the 'Killer 8' game mode so that will be started later tonight. But WHAT THE FUCK! First let's begin with the guy who created this game. His name is SUDA 51, that's his name, and he is wearing a wrestling mask in almost every public photo there has been taken of him. Now this genius wrote, directed, and designed this game. I use the term genius literally. This game touches on a lot of political issues at hand, and some in the future. It has the same thing that I believe every book, movie, and videogame has ever tried to preach: Love each other. That, and world peace isn't all what it is cracked up to be.
But the game features the infamous Killer 7, a band of assassins that is hired to take out the terrorists known as Heaven Smile. HS is a bunch of fucked up people that look like monsters and have bombs on them. And they explode. So wow. I am still in shock. Whoever is reading this probably gave up on me already. But thanks for sticking around if you aren't one of those people.
So we have the Killer 7: Garcian, Dan, Kaede, Kevin, Coyote, Con, and Mask. They are led by Harman Smith, and are also known as the Smith Clan. All have their special abilities and come in handy in a lot of different situations. Dan is my favorite. He's got the Magnum. so as the game progresses we learn that some people are joining up with Kun Lan, the leader of Heaven Smile. Some other people are just bad. So the Killer 7 go around and kill them. And in some cases, they actually kill themselves.
At the end, Garcian returns to the Union Hotel, because the other "personalities" have been killed while doing a job at a school in Washington state. Garcian notices there are multiple bloodstains on the walls, and then sorta has a vision of what happened, but through the perspective of the killer. We are shown the deaths of every assassin that was in league with the Killer 7: first Kevin, then Con, Kaede, Mask, and Coyote. As Garcian reaches the 6th floor, he remembers much more clearly. He is having a conversation with Dan, and Dan asks "Who the fuck are you? You gonna killer us?" They both pull out their guns, and Garcian gets to his first. Bye-bye Dan

Now Garcian enters a suite on the 7th floor, which is occupied by two men, one of which is the REAL Harman Smith. He explains to Garcian, or shall we say, EMIR PARKREINER, that he was raised to be a killer in that same school in Washington. And at the bold, young age of 13, Emir murdered each and everyone of the Killer 7. Garcian is confused by all of this, but somehow is beginning to understand...
Garcian reaches the the top floor and enters a room where Harman and Kun Lan are playing chess. They acknowledge the presence of Garcian, but as they turn to him, they are both pelted with a fine amount of bullets. So I guess one could say mission complete.......
But it's not. Garcian is now on the roof of the Union Hotel. He turns to see a young black boy holding a gun. He approaches the boy, but not quick enough. The boy has pointed a gun in his own mouth and commits suicide. Garcian runs to the boy, and he places the briefcase that he always carries with him down next to him. The discovery that the boy, Emir Parkreiner, killed himself taunts Garcian, for that is what happened to him. Garcian cannot accept the facts, and he finally takes a look at his briefcase's contents. The look of horror in Garcian's face is enough to give any person nightmares. The briefcase contains one magnum, two grenade launchers, a knife, two automatic pistols, a revolver, and semi-automatic with a scope: the exact weapons of the Killer 7.
Now have we been following along to all of this? I know it is quite long and detailed, but there is more, beleive it or not.
The credits roll, and then it says 'The end.' BUT it unlocks another mission to play. Three years later Garcian heads to a tiny remote island to exterminate the last of the Heaven Smile. He reaches the sub-basement of this creepy-run down abandoned place, and runs into (forgot his name), the Japanese guy. He's like "Behind this door is the last of them, kill it and it's all over. But, it is harder than that. What are you gonna do with me? I guess you'll have to kill me, otherwise I'll head back to Japan and then you will totally be fucked." I am paraphrasing. So Garcian kills the mother fucker (I got to choose to kill him or let him live, I show no mercy) and runs down this winding hallway till he corners the last one. He can't see it too well in the dark, but pops that motherfucker. A closer look reveals the face of Kun Lan dressed up like Iwazaru. WHAT THE FUCK AGAIN!!! If you aren't confused, then mad props to you, because I still am. That shit happened an hour ago and I am still trying to process it all.
More credits roll, and it says 'The end?' with the question mark and all. I shout out "NO GOD DAMN IT ITS NOT THE END YOU ALREADY SAID IT WAS THE END I CANT TRUST YOU AT ALL!!!!"
I take a couple breaths, and then I see it isn't the end at all.
Another scene takes place between Harman Smith and Kun Lan. This is 100 years into the future now, and the happenings between them are the exact same ones that happened at the beginning of the game. So I guess you can never truly defeat evil (I already knew that by the way). Well well well. There is my story. The ending of a pretty damn good game. GamePro does not know what they are talking about. They are only good at making me a published writer. HAHAHAHAHA. Just thought I'd mention that again.
OK, now this is the end of this entry, for real, I ain't playin' with yo head.
1 comment:
Uhhh, the reason you are anonymous is because you are automated comments, you did not really read my blog, You just want me to buy health insurance.
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