I have beaten Everlong on Expert in Guitar Hero: World Tour. Proof:
To begin this story, I felt like continuing on my replay of every song in career mode. My skills as a drummer have improved, and I wanted to improve my scores along with it. Songs that were not beaten on Expert before had been mastered, and gig by gig I marched on in my conquest(not counting Vicarious by Tool).
I reached the Rock Brigade, which as a whole is one the best sets for drumming: Mountain Song, Spiderwebs, Shiver, The Kill, Dammit, and Everlong. Typically when I would play this gig, I could get to Everlong, fail at 14 percent, and then switch to Hard.
But anyway, I do my thing. I nail every star power in Mountain Song. I keep up outrageous note streaks in Spiderwebs. I get shades beneath by awesome high score in Shiver. I hit all but one snare roll in The Kill. I even freakin' got a 4 star performance on Dammit! I was doing great!
The time came to play Everlong. I was not expecting much, but I had a feeling when my rhythm was dead on for the high-hat at the beginning. That right there helped me a lot, because the song carries that fast rhythm the whole time. Then comes the snare. And the bass drum. I was still in the green. The vocals started. They kept going. I knew I was past 14 percent, because I never hear this many lyrics. It continues.
I reach the chorus. That's a good sign. Hey, I have star power now! Back to verse. Still in the green? What am I going to do with this star power? Oops, used it by accident. Typical. But I'm still in the green... and... CHORUS AGAIN! I'M THERE!!!
Holy balls, I realize I am sweating a ridiculous amount. I feel it gather on my forehead, and a bead rolls down next to my right eye. Thank goodness I had my contacts in, or my glasses would be falling right off my nose.
Whew, I have a break now. I don't care about this drum fill they are giving me, I'm wiping this sweat off right now.
High-hat again. Miss the star power. Snare roll. Miss the star power. Oh well, I know I'm in good standing, I'm already past the second verse, that's all that matters. Get that far and I am home free.
OMG THIS SONG IS SO FREAKIN' FUN ONCE I KNOW I CAN'T FAIL! The sweat continues to gather on my face. I have swamp ass now, and couldn't be happier. I keep pounding these fake plastic drums like it's nobody's business.
And guess what? It's over. It's done. Everlong has been beaten on Expert.
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