5. Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
There is one character who actually appears in both of these games: Ike. Let me tell you right away that Ike is by far the greatest hero of the four Fire Emblem games to make it to America. Yes, he does hold his own on a strategic level, but what about in pure beat 'em up combat? (Actually pretty well; Roy sucked anyway).
Super Smash Bros. Brawl was not on the original list of games. Instead, Melee had its place. But after consideration, I realized that Brawl had finally elevated itself over its predecessor despite two drawbacks that upset me: the pace was slowed down and Marth's sword reach was shortened. However, Brawl has crazy unlockables, a far greater cast of characters, and multiplayer mayhem that cannot be matched.
The first time I played the SSB series on N64, I got my ass kicked. It turned me away from the game. The first time I played Melee on Gamecube, I got my ass kicked. It turned me away from the game. But I sat down by myself with Melee and learned the moves, the timing, the attacks, the stages, the items, and (since nobody told me) I had to read the manual to find out how to smash attack. I became a premiere player in the dorms. Brawl comes along and people begin to fear me before we even play. Everybody fears the 'Puff.
What SSBB is to me is the greatest multiplayer game ever invented. You can go from screaming in defeat one game to celebrating a victory the very next match. Controls are simple for a fighting game, utilizing pretty much only two buttons, and it does not even take away from its depth as a game. Experiencing a four person Brawl is glorious, and those mixes in emotions and swings of fortune make every match unpredictable and never the same.
Now if only the online didn't lag and suck so much.
Let me get this out of my system right away: I love Fire Emblem. The series is golden. The first game appears on this list later on, so I will stick to Path of Radiance in this rambling. Hands down it is the best FE in America. Ike becomes a god. I got at least three of his skills to max out by the time he finished leveling up. His best move, Aether, hits super hard and absorbs HP. He gets the best weapon in the game, Ragnell, never breaks. He is a beast.
Right away I loved PoR better than the two Gameboy Advance FEs because of its beautiful colors. I really do love colors in video games. Also, you could shove your teammates over a square, which was a great move strategically for getting them out of harms way. The story, like all Fire Emblem stories, was epic. I really wanted more cutscenes, because those were beautiful. I hate having my people die in combat, and I would usually start a mission over if that happened. There was only one exception, and that was very late in the game. But I did not need an extra axeman at that point, he was becoming obsolete.
This is one of my favorite Gamecube games, and if it were not in my collection then I would call myself a failure. Fire Emblem means a lot to me, as a game. Heavily a single player game, I could just be by myself and forget about my problems. I might have even connected to some of the characters personally. There was a lot of depth to this game, and even though replayability is not all that much, there is the harder difficulty that i have run through in preparation for the Wii Fire Emblem (which is hard as hell).
So, where do I like Ike more? In a fighter? Or in a strategy RPG? Honestly, I like him in the RPG more. But I like the fighter over the strategy. SSBB is just fun to play. It is downright stupid how fun this game is. I do know that I can get any four (or more) people together and just play Brawl for hours and not get sick of the game. I have done it on a few occasions, and I know that I will do it even more once I get back to school.
Winner: Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Super Smash Bros. Brawl was not on the original list of games. Instead, Melee had its place. But after consideration, I realized that Brawl had finally elevated itself over its predecessor despite two drawbacks that upset me: the pace was slowed down and Marth's sword reach was shortened. However, Brawl has crazy unlockables, a far greater cast of characters, and multiplayer mayhem that cannot be matched.
The first time I played the SSB series on N64, I got my ass kicked. It turned me away from the game. The first time I played Melee on Gamecube, I got my ass kicked. It turned me away from the game. But I sat down by myself with Melee and learned the moves, the timing, the attacks, the stages, the items, and (since nobody told me) I had to read the manual to find out how to smash attack. I became a premiere player in the dorms. Brawl comes along and people begin to fear me before we even play. Everybody fears the 'Puff.
What SSBB is to me is the greatest multiplayer game ever invented. You can go from screaming in defeat one game to celebrating a victory the very next match. Controls are simple for a fighting game, utilizing pretty much only two buttons, and it does not even take away from its depth as a game. Experiencing a four person Brawl is glorious, and those mixes in emotions and swings of fortune make every match unpredictable and never the same.
Now if only the online didn't lag and suck so much.
Let me get this out of my system right away: I love Fire Emblem. The series is golden. The first game appears on this list later on, so I will stick to Path of Radiance in this rambling. Hands down it is the best FE in America. Ike becomes a god. I got at least three of his skills to max out by the time he finished leveling up. His best move, Aether, hits super hard and absorbs HP. He gets the best weapon in the game, Ragnell, never breaks. He is a beast.
Right away I loved PoR better than the two Gameboy Advance FEs because of its beautiful colors. I really do love colors in video games. Also, you could shove your teammates over a square, which was a great move strategically for getting them out of harms way. The story, like all Fire Emblem stories, was epic. I really wanted more cutscenes, because those were beautiful. I hate having my people die in combat, and I would usually start a mission over if that happened. There was only one exception, and that was very late in the game. But I did not need an extra axeman at that point, he was becoming obsolete.
This is one of my favorite Gamecube games, and if it were not in my collection then I would call myself a failure. Fire Emblem means a lot to me, as a game. Heavily a single player game, I could just be by myself and forget about my problems. I might have even connected to some of the characters personally. There was a lot of depth to this game, and even though replayability is not all that much, there is the harder difficulty that i have run through in preparation for the Wii Fire Emblem (which is hard as hell).
So, where do I like Ike more? In a fighter? Or in a strategy RPG? Honestly, I like him in the RPG more. But I like the fighter over the strategy. SSBB is just fun to play. It is downright stupid how fun this game is. I do know that I can get any four (or more) people together and just play Brawl for hours and not get sick of the game. I have done it on a few occasions, and I know that I will do it even more once I get back to school.
Winner: Super Smash Bros. Brawl
I was really nervous for this one; I skipped to the end first to see how it turned out before I actually read everything. Call me horrible.
I'm telling you Ben, that first day you are getting a big hug. That first weekend we are Brawling!
Fo' sho'! We're Brawling until the sun comes up. We're going to get at least seventeen other people to play with us and we'll have the biggest tournament ever....except for the one I was in with 32 people.
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