8. Pokemon Blue Version
Both of these games were introduced to me at a relatively young age, and with the case for Pokemon, that makes it a lot more acceptable. No offense to anyone who plays Pokemon; the games are solid money-whoring, top-selling, overrated RPGs. And are damn fun.
But can Pokemon even be compared with Zelda? Let me begin the first match up.
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past is perhaps the best SNES game. Ever. Perfect adventure game even after a dozen or so playthroughs. It can be played straight through; or do what I do and go for broke, finding all the heart pieces and the medallions, upgrading all equipment, etc.
Why do I consider it a favorite? Because I have played it so many times and there is only that one moment I do not enjoy (in the ice dungeon). Otherwise (I'll be honest) I love the colors. I love the boss battles. I love searching for the next item on the agenda. I love being able to say no to a potion so I can test my abilities, and then looking at my scoring during the credits to see that I have died zero times and saved only once. It is better than all other Zelda games because of how simply straight forward it is and it is not so gigantic that it takes so long to get from one place to another. It is a game that I can (and probably will) play again and again despite all technical advances gaming has. This one is a classic. A great. An obvious number 1 seed.
The challenger is Pokemon Blue Version. Blue over Red because in 5th grade, I chose to play that one and my brother would play the other. My cartridge still has all 151 pokemon in its Pokedex, and batting lead off for my team is always Articuno.
Pokemon has spawned many spinoffs and sequels, but never as good as the games that started it all here in the states. A playthrough is never the same, unless you want it to be. You can change your party at any time to best suit your needs, and how many other RPGs let you do that? You can always go after new pokemon to catch, which gives the game longevity; it is easy to get lost in the game and go for over 50, 60, 70 hours of playing and still not be done with it all. But I love it most because it was such a staple of my childhood. So many other kids had the game, and taking my Game Boy to school was not uncommon so we could trade or battle.
Both of these games were introduced to me at a relatively young age, and with the case for Pokemon, that makes it a lot more acceptable. No offense to anyone who plays Pokemon; the games are solid money-whoring, top-selling, overrated RPGs. And are damn fun.
But can Pokemon even be compared with Zelda? Let me begin the first match up.
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past is perhaps the best SNES game. Ever. Perfect adventure game even after a dozen or so playthroughs. It can be played straight through; or do what I do and go for broke, finding all the heart pieces and the medallions, upgrading all equipment, etc.
Why do I consider it a favorite? Because I have played it so many times and there is only that one moment I do not enjoy (in the ice dungeon). Otherwise (I'll be honest) I love the colors. I love the boss battles. I love searching for the next item on the agenda. I love being able to say no to a potion so I can test my abilities, and then looking at my scoring during the credits to see that I have died zero times and saved only once. It is better than all other Zelda games because of how simply straight forward it is and it is not so gigantic that it takes so long to get from one place to another. It is a game that I can (and probably will) play again and again despite all technical advances gaming has. This one is a classic. A great. An obvious number 1 seed.
The challenger is Pokemon Blue Version. Blue over Red because in 5th grade, I chose to play that one and my brother would play the other. My cartridge still has all 151 pokemon in its Pokedex, and batting lead off for my team is always Articuno.
Pokemon has spawned many spinoffs and sequels, but never as good as the games that started it all here in the states. A playthrough is never the same, unless you want it to be. You can change your party at any time to best suit your needs, and how many other RPGs let you do that? You can always go after new pokemon to catch, which gives the game longevity; it is easy to get lost in the game and go for over 50, 60, 70 hours of playing and still not be done with it all. But I love it most because it was such a staple of my childhood. So many other kids had the game, and taking my Game Boy to school was not uncommon so we could trade or battle.
Which game is more favorable? The choice is obvious. Zelda. While Pokemon creates for more playthroughs and different ways of playing with its many creatures, Zelda is simply more fun to play. Pokemon's biggest drawback: it is a BITCH to level up.
Winner: The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
Winner: The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
I agree. Good decision.
im not sure which is sadder: that you've made this page or that i read the whole thing
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