We've heard the big news from Nintendo already (see previous post) about Mario Galaxy 2 and Metroid: Other M. Besides that, New Super Mario Bros. Wii was announced and displayed. Nothing real special about that, besides a four player mode. There was no Zelda announcement during the conference, but apparently
Miyamoto spoke in a closed-door discussion with gaming journalists about the next installment.
Sony's conference was also this afternoon, and what you expected to be shown pretty much was.
God of War III showed off its similarly cool gameplay that the other two are known for, but it looked much better and you can tell it will be far more epic.
Final Fantasy XIII was also present, with English voices in its videos. A little more dialogue was spoken toward the characters and their personalities and how they fit into the plot. Check it out.
Then a complete shocker. FFXIV was announced, as a PS3 exclusive (during the conference, they kept adding that PS3 only games are not only exclusive to the PS3, they are only possible on the PS3). The drawback? It's an online game.
Hideo Kojima was also at the conference. No new announcement toward MGS:Rising, but instead presented
MGS: Peace Walker for the PSP. Setting is in the 1970s, ten years after Snake Eater. Described not as a spin-off, but an extension to the story, hopefully bridging the gap and the beginnings of Outer Heaven.
Did I mention Golden Sun DS?
Sin and Punishment 2 Hands-On Preview!!!!-----
I think G4 did an amazing job with their E3 coverage today. Airing live, they had the Nintendo and Sony Conferences this afternoon, with great filler coverage up until 6, when the AOTS and XPlay crew were on the floor with demos for Modern Warfare 2 and Mass Effect 2, asking the questions we wanted answered.
They also were the first to speak with Reggie Fils-Aime right after the Nintendo Conference, and he was really great and adding info on how he, as a gamer, takes his time to read the boards and listen to what we other gamers look for and what.
On the other hand, I am a little upset with IGN, who throughout the day, was running very slow online and didn't get updates up as soon as they could (should) have been. A very slow day