Thursday, March 19, 2009

GH:WT Drums - Shiver

So here it is finally, a successful video upload from YouTube.

The song, as you might have seen/heard, is Shiver by Coldplay. It truly is one of my favorite songs to play drums in Guitar Hero: World Tour. So what if I messed up a few times, I still am impressed with some of the combos that I kept through trickier parts. I count my victories, no matter how small.

It is true that I could have just played for a better run, but that was not the point. I just wanted to test out my digital camera's video setting, and now that I know that it can capture video and audio pretty well, I have a good reason to take other videos (of similar quality, not great but good enough) of other games and activities. I wish I did have some screen capturing device of my own so I can use my own images in some posts.

Boom! The dimensions of this blog have vastly improved. I'm thinking that the next video I treat you guys with is a run-through of the Mercenaries mini-game from Resident Evil 5. Remember the posted scores from RE4? Now you can see the destruction and mayhem.

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