Still with the handgun, I ran smoothly along inside the elevated building, picking up time bonuses. I then went for the kill bonus before proceeding to the roof, where I ran for that time bonus afterward, still with the handgun.
After hearing the revving of a chainsaw I took out the rifle finally and dropped my silencer, seeing as how I wouldn't need it any longer. Firring away with the semi automatic rifle, I plowed down Mr. Chainsaw and any ganados that were rushing at me. By this time my combo was around 30.
I slid from the roof of the elevated building to the other one, grabbing all the time I could, and decapitating any freak I saw. The combo ended at 44, and I picked up anything I could: health, ammo, grenades, and more time.
I took shelter outside that building, and then switched to the Killer 7 Magnum. Ran out of bullets quick, because they magically flew into the skulls of crazy people. I was on the move again to pick up more time and kill bonuses.
Then it hit me. I had a 30+ combo running, more than a minute left, and a standing score aroun 90k. Do the math. The combo ran out and my score was up to 112k. The new high. But I saw two time bonuses left, and it's go big or go home.
Sadly I couldn't rack up many more kills, and I couldn't find any more soldiers for the last 90 seconds. But, this is my end result:

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