Wednesday, March 24, 2010

"The Price You Pay to Play"

Rus McLaughlin from IGN has an interesting editorial piece about how much games are really "worth." Entitled The Price You Pay to Play, he proposes different ideas that some games should be priced higher and other lower based on quality. One great example, Fallout 3 is waaaaaaaaay under priced for its quality in game play, hours of game play, and numerous DLC availabilities.

After all of that, I scrolled down to the ever-so-valuable comments. My favorite:

i only buy games if they're <$30, unless it's pokemon or something.

There are certain games I will buy at release and for a full price. The most recent of these platform games I've bought are Final Fantasy XIII, and uh.... interesting....

When I bought Modern Warfare 2, I was selling WaW back to help cut that price down, because honestly, I don't need two CoDs. I received Uncharted 2 as a gift. There really hasn't been an awesome Wii game in a while... I bought RE5 a year ago; good game, but severely let down... I just bought GH5, but only because I've been waiting for it to drop in price.

Hmmm, I guess I'm pretty smart with my gaming money. I have higher standards. And I like cheaper things. Yeah, that's the thought I'm ending on.

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